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Monday, June 30th    16:30 - 18:30
Numerical Dynamical Systems Analysis of Nonlinear Climate Models I
Minisymposium organized by Fred Wubs, Kurt Lust and Henk Dijkstra
Room: CAS1.4
16:30 Computation of Invariant Manifolds in Large-Scale Dissipative Systems
Juan Sánchez, Marta Net and Carles Simó

16:50 A Time Simulation Based Approach to Numerical Bifurcation Analysis of Fluid Problems
Kurt Lust

17:10 A Method to Reduce the Spin-up Time of Ocean Models
Erik Bernsen, Henk Dijkstra, Fred Wubs and Jonas Thies

17:30 A Parallel Version of the Fully Implicit Ocean Model THCM
Jonas Thies

17:50 Finite Volume Simulations for the Generation and Propagation of Long Waves
Anargiros Delis and Maria Kazolea

18:10 The Prediction and Evaluation of Contamination in the Large Clean Room for Manufacturing Electronic Components
Giho Jeong, Hyangeun Byun and Minjoo Kim


International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
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