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Wednesday, July 2nd    10:30 - 12:30
Extended / Generalized Finite Element Method I
Minisymposium organized by Ted Belytschko, Elisa Budyn, John Dolbow, Nicolas Moës and Giulio Ventura
Room: EXC1.3
10:30 X-Ray Microtomography, X-3D-Digital Image Correlation and X-FEM Multigrid, a General Tool for 3D Crack Growth Law Identification - PROPAVANFIS Collaboration
Marie-Christine Baïetto-Dubourg, J.Y. Buffière, Alain Combescure, Anthony Gravouil, François Hild, N. Limodin, W. Ludwig, Julien Réthoré, Stéphane Roux and J.-P. Tinnes

10:50 An Extended Finite Element Method for Modelling Micro and Nano Inclusions with Imperfect Interfaces
Julien Yvonnet, Charles Toulemonde and Qi-Chang He

11:10 A Multiscale Extended Finite Element Method for Crack Propagation with Frictional Contact
Pierre-Alain Guidault and Laurent Champaney

11:30 Multiscale Simulation of Atomistic Systems based on Extended Space/Time Finite Element Method
Dong Qian and Shardool Chirputkar

11:50 An X-Fem Statistical Approach to Assess Fracture Strength of Human Cortical Bone Microstructures
Elisa Budyn, Thierry Hoc and Julien Jonvaux

12:10 3D-XFEM Modeling of Composite Materials based on Octree Subdivion
Amine Ouaar, Jean-François Remacle and Nicolas Moës

Wednesday, July 2nd    14:00 - 16:00
Extended / Generalized Finite Element Method II
Minisymposium organized by Ted Belytschko, Elisa Budyn, John Dolbow, Nicolas Moës and Giulio Ventura
Room: EXC1.3
14:00 Comparison between Simulation and Experiments on Fractured Samples using X-Fem Kinematics
Julien Réthoré, Stéphane Roux and François Hild

14:20 Time Integration in the Extended Finite Element Method (XFEM)
Thomas-Peter Fries and Andreas Zilian

14:40 Model of Crack Propagation with the Extended Finite Element Method
Nicolas Chevaugeon and Nicolas Moës

15:00 Explicit Dynamics for the eXtended Finite Element Method
Thomas Menouillard, Alain Combescure and Ted Belytschko

15:20 An X-FEM Approach for Modeling Closed Discontinuities under Large Sliding Contact
Ionel Nistor, Martin Guiton, Patrick Massin and Nicolas Moës

Wednesday, July 2nd    16:30 - 18:30
Extended / Generalized Finite Element Method III
Minisymposium organized by Ted Belytschko, Elisa Budyn, John Dolbow, Nicolas Moës and Giulio Ventura
Room: EXC1.3
16:30 Improved SIF Extraction using different Domain Integrals in FEM and X-FEM
Eugenio Giner, Francisco Javier Fuenmayor, Ana Vercher and José Enrique Tarancón

16:50 Non-Conformal XFEM Approach and Spider XFEM: Error Estimates and Numerical Experiments
Elie Chahine, Patrick Laborde and Yves Renard

17:10 A Technique for Recovery of Equilibrium on Star Patches via a Partition of Unity
Jose Almeida and Edward Maunder

17:30 Discontinuous Fields Integration in a Structured Mesh using the Level Set Method
Gaetan Bricteux, Jean-François Remacle, Amine Ouaar and Marc Duflot

17:50 High Order Extended Finite Element Method : Influence of the Geometrical Representation
Kristell Dréau, Nicolas Chevaugeon and Nicolas Moës

18:10 A More Reliable Finite Element Procedure Via controling the Condition Number of the System
Sina Mohajeri, Pouyan Broumand, Amir Khoei, Mostafa Zeinali and Leila Farrokhpour

Thursday, July 3rd    10:30 - 12:30
Extended / Generalized Finite Element Method IV
Minisymposium organized by Ted Belytschko, Elisa Budyn, John Dolbow, Nicolas Moës and Giulio Ventura
Room: EXC1.3
10:30 3D Shape Optimization with X-FEM and Level Set Description
Laurent Van Miegroet and Pierre Duysinx

10:50 Sensitivity Analysis of Interfaces using XFEM
Franz-Joseph Barthold and Monika Rotthaus

11:10 Extended Finite Element Methods for Thin Plates
Jérémie Lasry, Yves Renard and Michel Salaün

11:30 A 3D XFEM/Lagrange Multiplier Based Approach for Fluid-Structure Interaction
Axel Gerstenberger, Ursula M. Mayer and Wolfgang A. Wall

11:50 Application of the Level Set X-FEM to Sloshing Problems of a Liquid Storage Container
Toshio Nagashima


International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
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