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Monday, June 30th    11:30 - 12:30
Accuracy Assessment of the eXtended Finite Element Method: Adaptivity, Comparison with Competing Methods, Industrialisation I
Minisymposium organized by Stephane Bordas, Marc Duflot and Pierre-Olivier Bouchard
Room: EXC1.3
Definition of ’Best Modeling Practice’ for the Propagation of 3D Cracks with Level Sets and the XFEM. Application to Multi-Site Crack Propagation in an Aeroengine Component
Eric Wyart, Marc Duflot, Sébastien Sagnier, Philippe Martiny, Frédéric Lani

Computation of Stress Intensity Factors for 3D Cracks in a Turbine Rear Fan Blade: Comparison of FEM and XFEM Solutions
Hacène Cherouali, Didier Soria, Arnaud Suffis, Eric Wyart, Marc Duflot, Frédéric Lani

Monday, June 30th    14:00 - 16:00
Accuracy Assessment of the eXtended Finite Element Method: Adaptivity, Comparison with Competing Methods, Industrialisation II
Minisymposium organized by Stephane Bordas, Marc Duflot and Pierre-Olivier Bouchard
Room: EXC1.3
Comparison of Recently Developed Recovery-Type Discretization Error Estimators for the Extended Finite Element Method
Juan José Ródenas, Marc Duflot, Stephane Bordas, Eugenio Giner, Octavio Andrés González Estrada, Francisco Javier Fuenmayor

Monday, June 30th    16:30 - 18:30
Accuracy Assessment of the eXtended Finite Element Method: Adaptivity, Comparison with Competing Methods, Industrialisation III
Minisymposium organized by Stephane Bordas, Marc Duflot and Pierre-Olivier Bouchard
Room: EXC1.3
XFEM and Mesh Adaptation: A Marriage of Convenience
Marc Duflot, Stephane Bordas

The Smoothed Extended Finite Element Method (SmXFEM)
Stephane Bordas, Sundararajan Natarajan, Marc Duflot, Nguyen-Xuan Hung, Timon Rabczuk

Wednesday, July 2nd    16:30 - 18:30
Extended / Generalized Finite Element Method III
Minisymposium organized by Ted Belytschko, Elisa Budyn, John Dolbow, Nicolas Moës and Giulio Ventura
Room: EXC1.3
Discontinuous Fields Integration in a Structured Mesh using the Level Set Method
Gaetan Bricteux, Jean-François Remacle, Amine Ouaar, Marc Duflot

Friday, July 4th    10:30 - 12:30
Adaptive Methods for Material Processing IV
Minisymposium organized by Thierry Coupez, Jean-François Hetu and José César de Sa
Room: CIN.SalaVolpi
Relaxation of Residual Stresses during Multi-Pass Machining:Simulation with the Level-Set Method and Process Optimization
Olivier Pierard, Josue Barboza, Marc Duflot, Laurent D‘Alvise


International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
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