  Remembrance of the
30th Anniversary by E. Stein NEW!

  COMPLAS Across Time
by E. Ramm NEW!

  Organizers and Committees
  Plenary Lectures
  Invited Sessions
  Technical Programme
  Supporting Organizations
  COMPLAS 2017 Proceedings
  Conference Series


Number of visits: 209986


COMPLAS Conference series started in Barcelona, Spain, in April 1987.

2nd International Conference on Computational Plasticity. Models, Software and Applications
18 - 22 September 1989, Barcelona, Spain

3rd International Conference on Computational Plasticity. Fundamentals and Applications
4 - 6 June 1992, Barcelona, Spain

4th International Conference on Computational Plasticity. Fundamentals and Applications
3 - 6 April 1995, Barcelona, Spain

5th International Conference on Computational Plasticity. Fundamentals and Applications
17 - 20 March 1997, Barcelona, Spain

The 6th International Conference on Computational Plasticity was jointly organized with the European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS 2000)
11 - 14 September 2000, Barcelona, Spain

VII International Conference on Computational Plasticity. Fundamentals and Applications
7 - 10 April 2003, Barcelona, Spain

VIII International Conference on Computational Plasticity. Fundamentals and Applications
5 - 8 September 2005, Barcelona, Spain

IX International Conference on Computational Plasticity. Fundamentals and Applications
5 - 7 September 2007, Barcelona, Spain

X International Conference on Computational Plasticity. Fundamentals and Applications
2 - 4 September 2009, Barcelona, Spain

XI International Conference on Computational Plasticity. Fundamentals and Applications
7 - 9 September 2011, Barcelona, Spain

XII International Conference on Computational Plasticity. Fundamentals and Applications
September 3 - 5 2013, Barcelona, Spain

XIII International Conference on Computational Plasticity. Fundamentals and Applications
1 - 3 September 2015, Barcelona, Spain

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Barcelona, Spain
complas@cimne.upc.edu / Telf. + 34 - 93 405 46 97 - Fax. + 34 - 93 205 83 47
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