Microstructural analysis of high-dynamic strength tests on cementitious materials
E. Binder, H.A. Mang, Y. Yuan and B. Pichler
Thermal stresses in concrete as a function of internal relative humidity: a multiscale analysis
H. Wang, C. Hellmich, H.A. Mang, Y. Yuan and B. Pichler
Multiscale structural analysis of a displacement-monitored experiment on a segmented tunnel ring
J.L. Zhang, H.A. Mang, X. Liu, Y. Yuan and B. Pichler
The load-carrying capacity of initially monolithic concrete hinges subjected to eccentric compression: experiments and FE modeling
T. Schlappal, J. Kalliauer, H.A. Mang, Y. Yuan and B. Pichler
3D-Mesomechanical analysis of the external sulfate attack in concrete
A. Pérez, C. Riera, C.M. López and I. Carol