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Number of visits: 155333

5/9/13    16:30 - 18:30
Contact and Impact Mechanics II
Room: VS214

Dynamic response of imperfect beams under impact: R-P analysis and E-P simulation
F.L.  Chen, T.X. Yu and J.L. Yang

Viscoelastic evaluation of biological soft tissue in crush process at subsonic level for anti-bird strike technology of airplane
A. Sakuma, N. Torii, A. Mizushima and H. Shoji

A unified contact-interaction formulation for frictional sliding, peeling and long-range attraction
R.A. Sauer and L. De Lorenzis

Investigation of experimental research on the low velocity impact damage behavior of NCF composite plates
I. Ağır, A. Kurşun and N., B. Bektaş

Calculation of the elastic modules of materials behind strong shock waves
E. Kraus and I. Shabalin

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