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Invited Sessions

Plenary lectures will be complemented by Invited Sessions organized by recognised experts in targeted research areas. Contributions to these sessions are by invitation of the organizers.

Preliminary list of confirmed Invited Sessions:

Advances in Constitutive Modelling of Metal Forming Processes across Different Lengthscales
Ivaylo Vladimirov, Robertt A.F. Valente and Ricardo J. Alves de Sousa

Applications of Computational Methods to Product and Process Design for Industry
Takashi Iizuka and Takashi Kuboki

Computational Modeling in Biomechanics: from Micro-Structure to Macroscopic Response
Gerhard Holzapfel

Computational Modeling of Material Forming Processes
Jean-Philippe Ponthot and Carlos Agelet de Saracibar

Computational Strategies for Metal Cutting & Forming Operations
Miguel Vaz Júnior

Energy-based Variational Approaches for Multiscale and Multiphysics
Constitutive Modelling

Jörn Mosler and Laurent Stainier

Inelastic Response of Heterogeneous Media
Adnan Ibrahimbegovic and Hermann Matthies

Material Size-effects in Plasticity
Viggo Tvergaard and Christian F. Niordson

Model Reduction in Materials, Processes and Structures
Francisco Chinesta, Antonio Huerta, Pierre Ladevčze and Elías Cueto

Modeling of Ductile Fracture at Multiple Scales
Pierre-Olivier Bouchard and Thomas Pardoen

Modeling of Plasticity and Damage under Cyclic Loading
Renato Natal Jorge, Abílio de Jesus and Francisco Pires

Modeling of Solids at Failure through Diffusive Damage Evolution and Evolving Sharp Discontinuities
Ekkehard Ramm, Francisco Armero and Christian Linder

Multiscale Analysis of Wood and Wooden Structures
Herbert Mang and Josef Eberhardsteiner

Multiscale Poro-micro Mechanics of Bio- and Geomaterials
Christian Hellmich and Bernhard Pichler

Nonlocal Formulations in Plasticity and Damage
José César de Sá and Khemais Saanouni

Numerical Modelling of Concrete Structures
Pavao Marovic, Tony Jefferson and Mirela Galic

Numerical Modelling of the Failure and Instabilities in Geomaterials
Frédéric Dufour and Manuel Pastor

Safety and Durability of Concrete Structures - SEDUREC
Carmen Andrade

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
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