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Number of visits: 155308

5/9/13    14:00 - 16:00
Advanced Computational Methods V
Room: VS206a

Optimizing the remeshing procedure by computational cost estimation of adaptive FEM technique
F. Bayat and H. Moslemi

A finite point method approach for the numerical simulation of isotropic damage using a cohesive crack formulation
L. Pérez, F. Valdivia and S. Oller

Implementation of the method of fundamental solution for solving problem of displacement in plasticity deformations
A. Uscilowska

An Eulerian 3-steps Godunov-type numerical scheme for calculation of elastic-plastic flow
A. Serezhkin, I. Menshov and A. Mischenko

Formulation of an isogeometric shells element for crash simulation
C. Adam, S. Bouabdallah, M. Zarroug and H. Maitournam

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
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