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Number of visits: 155336

5/9/13    14:00 - 16:00
Advanced Material Models IV
Room: VS215

Modeling of the cyclic behaviour of Haynes 282
R. Brommesson and M. Ekh

Computational analysis of stationary crack propagation in NiTi SMAs using a space-discrete stationary method
W. Zaki, S. Hazar, Z. Moumni and G. Anlas

FE analysis of axial crushing with AZ31 circular tube considering tension-compression asymmetry
J.H. Yoon, Y.S. Lee and O. Cazacu

Crystal plasticity model calibration for 316L stainless steel single crystals during deformation
S. El Shawish, M. Bogataj and L. Cizelj

Simulation of plasticity and martensitic phase-transformations based on representative transformation directions
R. Ostwald, R. Holtermann, T. Bartel and A. Menzel

Stress correlations of dislocations in a double-pileup configuration: a continuum dislocation density approach
D. Dickel, K. Schulz, S. Schmitt and P. Gumbsch

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