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Number of visits: 155318

5/9/13    14:00 - 16:00
Forming Processes Simulations III
Room: VS214

Simulation of thin sheet generation processes by using thin plate finite elements in absolute nodal coordinate formulation
P. Gruber, Yu. Vetyukov and J. Gerstmayr

A hybrid modelling approach to the simulation of internal traverse grinding
R. Holtermann and A. Menzel

Simulation of the ring rolling process taking into account automatic motion control - prediction of microstructure
P. Lasne, A. Settefrati and M. Barbelet

Industrial application of advanced adaptive concepts for automatic panel benders
W. Kunze, C. Zehetner, F. Hammelmueller, E.C. Cojocaru, H.J. Holl and H. Irschik

Advanced mechanical simulation models for automatic panel benders
F. Hammelmueller, C. Zehetner, A.S. Pechstein, w. Kunze, H.J. Holl and H. Irschik

On the influence of material properties in sheet bending processes
C. Zehetner, W. Kunze, R. Heuer and H. Irschik

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