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Number of visits: 155307

5/9/13    16:30 - 18:30
Advanced Computational Methods VI
Room: VS216

Bodner-Partom visco-plastic dynamic sphere Benchmark problem
B.M. Chabaud, J.S. Brock and T.O. Williams

Characterization and modeling of viscoelastic interface
L. Rouleau, J.-F. Deü, A. Legay and F. Le Lay

Modelling of the low temperature-dependent behaviour of a ductile adhesive under monotonic tensile/compression-shear loads using a non associated pressure dependent model
C. Badulescu, J.Y. Cognard, J. Maurice, R.  Créac’hcdec, N.  Carrère and P. Vedrine

A finite strain discrete dislocation plasticity model
N. Irani, J.J.C. Remmers and V.S. Deshpande

Solving one-dimensional problems of elasto-plastic deforming and damage by using Godunov method and method of physical processes division
A. Mischenko, I. Menshov and A. Kiselev

Lifetime assessment for an ideal elastoplastic thick-walled spherical member under general mechanochemical corrosion conditions
Y.G. Pronina

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