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Number of visits: 155340

5/9/13    16:30 - 18:30
IS - Applications of Computational Methods to Product and Process Design for Industry II
Invited Session organized by Takashi Iizuka and Takashi Kuboki
Room: VS218
Chair: Takashi Kuboki

Numerical simulation and experimental validation of texture in extruded wires of a BCC metal
M. Xie, N. Baimpas, C. Reinhard and A. M Korsunsky

Micro-macro simulation for severe plastic deformations by the homogenization method and marker integration FEM
K. Matsui, I. Watanabe and T. Yamada

Simple numerical simulation of die abrasion during initial abrasive stage of punching process
T. Iizuka and D. Sakamoto

Numerical calculation of tensile test using a dumbbell-shaped in thickness direction specimen
H. Usui and T. Iizuka

Unloading and re-loading features of pre-strained steel at low temperature
D. Li and M. Akiyama

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
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