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5/9/13    16:30 - 18:30
IS - Computational Modeling of Material Forming Processes II
Invited Session organized by Jean Philippe Ponthot and Carlos Agelet de Saracibar
Room: VS208

A 9-node and a 7-node solid-shell elements for thin shells and sheet forming applications
B. Bassa, F.  Sabourin and M. Brunet

Automatic solver for computational plasticity based on Taylor series and automatic differentiation
A. Lejeune, H.  Boudaoud, N.  Mathieu and M.  Potier-Ferry

A probabilistic characterization, propagation, and sensitivity analysis of uncertainties in a metal forming application
M. Arnst and J-P. Ponthot

The Influence of numerical simulation parameters and modelling decisions in the prediction of wrinkling defects
M. Henriques, T. Grilo, R. Sousa and R. Valente

Some gaps between numerical developments and their industrial applications
F. Moussy

Numerical simulation of double cup extrusion test using the arbitrary lagrangian eulerian formalism
R.  Boman, R. Koeune and J-P.  Ponthot

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
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