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Number of visits: 155307

5/9/13    11:00 - 13:00
Advanced Computational Methods IV
Room: VS206a

Hysteretic beam element with degrading Bouc-Wen models
C. Sofianos and V. Koumousis

Distributed plasticity analysis of frame structures in rate form
I. Gkimousis and V. Koumousis

New 3D-beam finite element including non-uniform torsion with the secondary torsion moment deformation effect
J. Murin, M. Aminbaghai, V. Kutis and H.A. Mang

A mesoscale finite element simulations of intermittent plastic flow of micropillar compression under the hybrid loading mode
X. Zhang and F. Shang

On the stability of the recently developed NICE integration scheme
B. Starman, M. Halilovič, M. Vrh and B. Štok

Application of the method of fundamental solutions for inverse problem related to the determination of elasto-plastic properties of prysmatic bar
J.A. Kolodziej and M. Mierzwiczak

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
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