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5/9/13    11:00 - 13:00
Multiscale Material Problems II
Room: VS213

Multiscale resolution continuum theory for elastic plastic element material with damage, an implicit 3D implementation
H. Qin, L. Lindgren, W.K. Liu and S. Tang

Multi-scale Studies of Micro-Instabilities in Foamed Materials
V.D. Nguyen and L. Noels

Crystal texture evolution analyses in metal drawing processes by using two-scale finite element method
T. Yoshida, H. Kuramae, H. Morimoto, T. Yamaguchi, T. Ohata and E. Nakamachi

Construction of 3D statistically similar RVEs for dual-phase steel microstructures
D. Balzani, L. Scheunemann, D.  Brands and J. Schröder

On the prediction of macroscopic yield surfaces of a pearlitic steel using multiscale modeling
E. Lindfeldt and M. Ekh

A combined precipitation and crystal plasticity model for AlMgSi alloys
M. Khadyko, S. Dumoulin, O.R. Myhr and O.S. Hopperstad

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