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Number of visits: 155309

4/9/13    16:30 - 18:30
Advanced Material Models II
Room: VS215

Elastoplastic stress analysis of functionally graded disc under internal pressure
A. Kurşun, I.  Ağır and M. Topçu

A three dimensional model for nanocrystalline materials based on grain interior and grain boundary deformation mechanisms
E. Gürses

Combined creep and plastic analysis with numerical methods
E. Pineda, J. Zapata and A. Kryvko

A combined stress state dependent plasticity model with damage for ULCF failure prediction
D. Novokshanov, S. Münstermann and W. Bleck

Numerical simulation based on FEM / MLS coupling for solid mechanics
Y. Ghozzi, C. Labergere and P. Villon

A thermoviscoplastic model with damage for simultaneous hot/cold forging analysis
C. Bröcker and A. Matzenmiller

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