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4/9/13    16:30 - 18:30
Multiscale Material Problems I
Room: VS213

Multiscale modeling of a small punch test on nanostructured CP titanium
A. Ridruejo, J. Segurado, I. Sabirov and J. LLorca

On the application of high-performance model reduction techniques to homogenization of heterogeneous materials
J.A. Hernández, J. Oliver, A.E. Huespe, M.A. Caicedo and J.C. Cante

Discrete dislocation dynamics modeling of nanoscale polycrystalline materials
S.S. Quek, Z. Wu, A.T.  Lim, Y.W.  Zhang and D.J.  Srolovitz

Multiscale modelling of annealing of advanced high strength steel products by solution of diffusion equation in the periodic RVE
K. Bzowski, M. Pernach and M. Pietrzyk

A link between the phenomenological and physical modelling of transformation-induced plasticity
A.H. Sakhaei, K.M. Lim and P. Thamburaja

Construction of macroscale yield surfaces for ductile composites based on a virtual testing strategy
S. Asadi, A. Esmaeili, F. Larsson and K. Runesson

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
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