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Number of visits: 155325

4/9/13    11:00 - 13:00
IS - Numerical Modelling of the Failure and Instabilities in Geomaterials II
Invited Session organized by Frédéric Dufour and Manuel Pastor
Room: VS218

Triaxial tests on frozen ground: formulation and modelling
F. Casini, A. Gens, S. Olivella and G. Viggiani

Transition processes in soil–fluid interaction problems modelled by the material point method
Z. Wieckowski and P. Vermeer

Boundary layer (shear band) in yield stress fluid flows in the plastic regime
P. Coussot

Static/flowing transition in granular flows over erodible beds
A. Mangeney, O. Roche, M. Farin, I. Ionescu, F. Bouchut and L. Tsimring

Mixed finite elements applied to slope stability problems
L. Benedetti, M. Cervera and M. Chiumenti

An elastoplastic model for unsaturated expansive soils based on shakedown concept
K. Li, H. Nowamooz, C. Chazallon and B. Migault

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
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