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4/9/13    16:30 - 18:30
IS - Modeling of Ductile Fracture at Multiple Scales III
Invited Session organized by Pierre-Olivier Bouchard and Thomas Pardoen
Room: VS219

Hot formability characterization and fracture locus determination of the CuZn40Pb2 brass alloy through tensile and torsion testing
S. Bruschi, A. Ghiotti and M. Novella

Molecular dynamics simulations of necking and fracture of fcc Fe nanowires
J.Y. Wu, S. Nagao, J. Y.  He and Z.L. Zhang

Bauschinger effect in thin metallic films by FEM simulations
K. Marandi, R. Vayrette, T. Pardoen, L. Duchêne and A-M. Habraken

Nanoscale Mechanism of Hydrogen Embrittlement
W. Curtin and J.  Song

Enhancement of fracture resistance by soft interlayers
O. Kolednik, J. Zechner, J. Predan and F.D. Fischer

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