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4/9/13    16:30 - 18:30
IS - Computational Strategies for Metal Cutting & Forming Operations II
Invited Session organized by Miguel Vaz Jr.
Room: VS208

Bending and springback prediction method based on multi-scale finite element analyses for high bendability and low springback sheet generation
T. Honda, H. Kuramae, H. Morimoto, Y. Morita, Y. Nakamura, T. Ohata and E. Nakamachi

A Mechanical behaviour law for the simulation of the mushy zone in welding
H. Amin-El-Sayed, E. Feulvarch, F. Boitout, J-B. Leblond and J-M. Bergheau

Chaining of welding and finish turning simulations for austenitic stainless steel components
F. Valiorgue, A. Brosse, J. Rech, V. Robin, P. Gilles and J-M. Bergheau

Aluminium extrusion analysis by the finite volume method
J.D. Bressan, M.M. Martins and S.T. Button

Lead extrusion analysis by finite volume method
M.M. Martins, J.D. Bressan and S.T. Button

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
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