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4/9/13    11:00 - 13:00
Advanced Computational Methods II
Room: VS216

Mixed methods for isogeometric analysis of nearly incompressible materials
C. Kadapa, W. Dettmer and D. Peric

Homogenized model for herringbone bond masonry: Linear elastic and limit analysis
G. Milani

An implicit solving algorithm adapted to numerical identification for simple lattice discrete element models of quasi-brittle materials
M. Vassaux, B. Richard, F. Ragueneau, A. Millard and A. Delaplace

3D discrete element modeling of concrete: Study of the rolling resistance effects on the macroscopic constitutive behavior
A. Omar, P. Marin, S. Potapov and L. Daudeville

The interface subdomain method in domain decomposition problems
M. Cafiero, J.  Oliver and J.C. Cante

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
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