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4/9/13    11:00 - 13:00
IS - Modeling of Ductile Fracture at Multiple Scales II
Invited Session organized by Pierre-Olivier Bouchard and Thomas Pardoen
Room: VS219

Numerical implementation and application of a second-gradient model for ductile rupture of metals
J-B. Leblond and J-M. Bergheau

Crack initiation and propagation with a nonlocal gurson model: microscopic parameters and macroscopic challenges
G. Hütter, L. Zybell, T. Linse, U. Mühlich and M. Kuna

Effective flow surface of a porous material with two populations of voids: constitutive modeling and 3 dimensional full field numerical simulations
P. Suquet, P.G. Vincent, H. Moulinec and Y. Monerie

Influence of the microstructure on the fracture strain of 6xxx series aluminium alloys
A. Simar, K.L. Nielsen, F. Hannard, L. Lecarme and T. Pardoen

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