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4/9/13    16:30 - 18:30
IS - Multiscale Poro-micro Mechanics of Bio- and Geomaterials
Invited Session organized by Christian Hellmich and Bernhard Pichler
Room: VS218

Bone mineralization as fluid-to-solid phase transformation in a closed thermodynamic system
C. Morin and C. Hellmich

How do microstructural properties govern the strength of cementitious materials? A multiscale approach based on gel-space ratio
B. Pichler, C. Hellmich, J. Eberhardsteiner, J. Wasserbauer, P. Termkhajorkit, R. Barbarulo and G.  Chanvillard

ITZ-induced crack onset in concrete: a micromechanics approach
M. Königsberger, B. Pichler and C. Hellmich

Simulation of damage and crack propagation in structural materials by means of a static version of peridynamics
U. Galvanetto, M. Zaccariotto and F. Luongo

Size-dependent plasticity of crystals and interfaces: Computational issues
S.Dj. Mesarovic and R. Baskaran

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