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3/9/13    17:00 - 19:00
IS - Safety and Durability of Concrete Structures - SEDUREC
Invited Session organized by Carmen Andrade
Room: VS208

New insights on the value of structural health monitoring
M. H. Faber

Models for reliability assessment of reinforced concrete structures in corrosive environments in conditions of a changing climate
D.V. Val and M.G. Stewart

A critical discussion on the usefulness and reliability of mathematical modelling for service life design of infrastructure
J. Gulikers

Validation of resistance models for corrosion-damaged concrete beams based on theory of plasticity
M. Prieto and P. Tanner

Monitoring of cover cracking due to reinforcement corrosion in a beam exposed to the atmosphere
C. Andrade, F. Pedrosa, F. Tavares and A.A. Torres-Acosta

Life-cycle of fatigue sensitive structures under uncertainty
D. Frangopol and M. Soliman

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
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