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Number of visits: 155344

4/9/13    11:00 - 13:00
IS - Advances in Constitutive Modelling of Metal Forming Processes across Different Lengthscales I
Invited Session organized by Ivaylo Vladimirov
Room: VS217

Quasi-static mechanical behaviour of Ti-6Al-4V alloy at room temperature
V. Tuninetti, G. Gilles, O. Milis and A-M. Habraken

Finite element modeling for predicting slab edge defect on hot rolled ferritic stainless steel sheet
S. Kim, F. Barlat and M.G. Lee

Evaluation of the effect of friction and deformation heat on springback prediction of AHSS
J.Y. Lee, F. Barlat and M.G. Lee

Efficient FE strategies for springback prediction – material modelling and computational aspects
I.N. Vladimirov, M.P. Pietryga and S. Reese

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
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