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3/9/13    17:00 - 19:00
IS - Numerical Modelling of the Failure and Instabilities in Geomaterials I
Invited Session organized by Frédéric Dufour and Manuel Pastor
Room: VS218

SPH propagation modelling of an earthflow from Southern Italy
L. Cascini, S. Cuomo, M. Pastor and M. Coppola

Improvement of irregular DTM for SPH modelling of flow-like landslides
S. Cuomo, M. Pastor, S. Vitale and L. Cascini

Modelling of the transition between solid state and fluid state of geomaterials: Application to landslides
F. Dufour, N. Prime and F. Darve

Elasto-visco-plastic model for granular materials under large strain rate conditions
I. Redaelli, C. di Prisco , D. Vescovi and D. Berzi

Modeling host rock deformation and fracture above magma chambers preceding caldera formation
P. Kabele, M. Somr and J. Zak

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
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