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3/9/13    17:00 - 19:00
IS - Modeling of Ductile Fracture at Multiple Scales I
Invited Session organized by Pierre-Olivier Bouchard and Thomas Pardoen
Room: VS219

Ductile damage in multi-phase materials: the effect of the microstructural morphology unravelled
T.W.J. de Geus, R.H.J. Peerlings and M.G.D. Geers

An adaptive multi-level model for multi-scale ductile fracture analysis in heterogeneous aluminum alloys
D. Paquet and S. Ghosh

Influence of loading conditions on ductile damage nucleation, growth and coalescence mechanisms
P-O. Bouchard, E. Roux and M. Bernacki

Localization of plastic flow leading to ductile failure: which comes first, the localization in a band or the coalescence of voids?
C. Tekoğlu, T. Pardoen and J.W.  Hutchinson

Modeling of ductile damage using numerical analyses on the micro-scale
M. Brünig, S. Gerke and V. Hagenbrock

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