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5/9/13    16:30 - 18:30
IS - Modeling of Plasticity and Damage under Cyclic Loading
Invited Session organized by Renato Natal Jorge
Room: VS217

The non-linear analysis cylindrical shell structures considering a meshless method
H.M.S. Duarte, J. Belinha, L.M.J. Dinis, A.A. Fernandes and R.M. Natal Jorge

Extension of the lemaitre model for ductile damage to ultra-low cycle fatigue
M. Seabra, R.M. Natal Jorge, J. Cesar de Sa and A.A. Fernandes

Analysis of ultra low cycle fatigue problems with the Barcelona plastic damage model
X.  Martinez, S.  Oller, L. G.  Barbu and A.H. Barbat

Dynamics of structural defects and plasticity: models and numerical implementation for dynamical problems
A.E. Mayer, E.N. Borodin, V.S. Krasnikov and P.N. Mayer

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
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