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4/9/13    11:00 - 13:00
IS - Computational Strategies for Metal Cutting & Forming Operations I
Invited Session organized by Miguel Vaz Jr.
Room: VS208

Modelling of material cutting with a material microstructure-level (MML) model
D. Nelias, Y. Zhang and T. Mabrouki

A new method for inverse parameter identification for machining simulations using finite element simulations
M. Bäker and A. Shrot

A benchmark study on identification of inelastic parameters based on deep drawing processes using PSO – Nelder Mead hybrid approach
M. Vaz Jr., M.A. Luersen, P.A. Muńoz-Rojas, E. Bertoti and R.G. Trentin

The physical and numerical modeling of cold wire drawing process of biocompatible magnesium alloys
A. Milenin, P. Kustra and D.-J. Byrska-Wójcik

Numerical analysis of hot deep drawing of DIN 27MnCrB5 steel sheets under controlled stretching
M.H.F. Batalha and S.T. Button

Numerical and experimental analysis of cold forming of titanium alloy sheets
J. Adamus

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
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