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Number of visits: 155312

5/9/13    14:00 - 16:00
IS - Computational Modeling of Material Forming Processes I
Invited Session organized by Jean Philippe Ponthot and Carlos Agelet de Saracibar
Room: VS208

Free surface iterative algorithm based on a global resolution method for steady-state calculation of metal forming processes
U. Ripert, L. Fourment and J.L. Chenot

Implementation of multi-scale finite element simulation for microforming process prediction
M. Taureza, X. Song and S. Castagne

Numerical simulation of severe plastic deformation during high pressure torsion
P. Verleysen, F. Van den Abeele and J. Degrieck

The use of an advanced anisotropic damage model to the sheet metal forming simulations
H. Badreddine, K. Saanouni and D.T.  Nguyen

The pin shape effect on the friction stir welding process
N. Dialami, M. Chiumenti, M. Cervera and C. Agelet de Saracibar

A novel stress-accurate FE technology for the numerical simulation of the FSW process
M. Chiumenti, N. Dialami, M. Cervera and C. Agelet de Saracibar

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
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