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3/9/13    17:00 - 19:00
IS - Computational Modeling in Biomechanics: From Micro-Structure to Macroscopic Response
Invited Session organized by Gerhard A. Holzapfel
Room: VS213

Constitutive modeling of cross-linked actin gels including the influence of linker proteins and viscoelasticity
M.J. Unterberger, R.W. Ogden and G.A. Holzapfel

Modeling and experimental investigations of the stress-softening behavior of soft collagenous tissues
T. Schmidt, D. Balzani, A. Schriefl and G.A. Holzapfel

Incorporating three-dimensional residual stresses into patient-specific simulations: examples on abdominal aortic aneurysms
G.A. Holzapfel, D.M.  Pierce and T.E. Fastl

A porous media approach for foot biomechanics
G. Sciumè, A. Guiotto, Z. Sawacha, D.P. Boso, C. Cobelli and B.A. Schrefler

The influence of microscale simulation on blood coagulation model
A. Jakubowicz and M.  Pietrzyk

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
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