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Number of visits: 155332

5/9/13    14:00 - 16:00
IS - Applications of Computational Methods to Product and Process Design for Industry I
Invited Session organized by Takashi Iizuka and Takashi Kuboki
Room: VS218
Chair: Takashi Iizuka

Propagation mechanism of non-uniform distribution of stress and strain in tension test
R. Morimoto and M. Akiyama

Characteristics of micro incremental in-plane bending of sheet metal using tiltable punch
A. Azrie and T. Kuboki

Effect of die half angle in tube nosing using relieved die
M. Abe and T. Kuboki

Evaluation of water film by Reynolds‘ equation in deep drawing using high-pressured water jet
T. Kuboki, Y. Horikoshi, M. Murata, K. Matsui and M. Tsubokura

Finite element analysis on interfacial stress state in scratch test
K. Hayakawa, H. Mori, K. Koyabu, T. Nakamura and S. Tanaka

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
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