
14:30 - 16:30

Technical sessions
SS 2: Approaches to Hygrothermal Simulation for Assessing Durability Related to Climate Change

Invited Session organized by Travis Moore and Michael Lacasse


Room: Barcelona

Chair: Travis Moore

Co-Chair: Michael Lacasse

Freeze-Thaw Risk in Solid Masonry: Are ‘Hygrothermal Response Based‘ Analyses Mandatory when Studying the Sensitivity of Building Envelopes to Climate Change?

Isabeau Vandemeulebroucke, Steven Caluwaerts and Nathan Van Den Bossche


Impact of Climate Change in Building Envelope Design: The Performance to Withstand Mould Growth

Klodian Gradeci, Alessandro Nocente, Nathalie Labonnote and Petra Rüther


Effect of Selected Moisture Reference Year on the Durability Assessment of Wall Assemblies under Future Climates

Sahar Sahyoun, Hua Ge, Chetan Aggarwal, Maurice Defo and Travis Moore


A Methodology for Assessment of Building Assembly Air Leakage Moisture Response, Condensation Risk, and Expected Durability When Subjected to Projected Future Climate Loads

David G. Kayll, Maurice Defo, Travis V. Moore and Michael A. Lacasse


Validation of Three Methods of Selecting Moisture Reference Years for Hygrothermal Simulations

Chetan Aggarwal, Maurice Defo, Travis Moore, Michael A. Lacasse, Sahar Sahyoun and Hua Ge


The Future Climate Moisture Susceptibility of Wall Assemblies: Analysis Based on Monte Carlo Simulation Using a Simplified Deterministic Hygrothermal Simulation Model

Carl-Eric Hagentoft and Pär Johansson
