
11:30 - 13:30

Technical sessions
SS 11: Durability and Performance of Building Envelopes

Invited Session organized by Klodian Gradeci and Petra Rüther


Room: Barcelona

Chair: Klodian Gradeci

Co-Chair: Petra Rüther

Predominant Climate Exposure Strains - Thermal Degradation Testing Compared to Historical and Future Climate Scenarios

Petra  Rüther, Klodian Gradeci and Malin Sletnes


Implementing a Framework for Qualitative Assessment of New Technical Solutions: A Case Study on CLT

Charlotte Svensson Tengberg and Carl-Eric Hagentoft


Performance and Durability of Adhesive Tapes for Building Applications. From Product Documentation to Scientific Knowledge (and Back Again)

Malin Sletnes and Susanne Frank


Influence of Grid Presence in the Characteristics of Applied Mortars

Isabel   Torres, Inês F.  Colen, Dora  Silveira and Rafael T. Pinto


Bio-Based Building Materials-How to Unravel the Role of Material Characteristics on Fungal Susceptibility?

Liselotte C. De Ligne, Jan B.B.  Van den Bulcke, Jan M. Baetens, Bernard  De Baets and Joris C.M.  Van Acker


Influence of Lightweight Concrete Block Support on Physical and Mechanical Characteristics of Applied Mortars

Dora Silveira, Isabel Torres, Inês F.  Colen and Rafael T. Pinto
