22/7/2014    11:00 - 13:00
Methods for Cut and Composite Meshes: Theory, Algorithms and Applications II
Minisymposium organized by Erik Burman, Mats G. Larson, Anders Logg, André Massing and Wolfgang Wall
Room: Sala C1
Chair: Andre Massing
Image-based simulations using the unfitted DG method
Christian Engwer

XFEM and stabilization for 3D incompressible two-phase flows
Sven Gross

Unfitted Nitsche Finite Element Methods for multi-physics problems
Susanne Claus, Andre Massing and Erik Burman

Higher degree Immersed Finite Element methods for interface problems
Slimane Adjerid and Tao Lin

Nearly body-fitted meshes for transient flows with embedded geometries
Dieu-Linh Quan, Jean-François Remacle, Emilie Marchandise and Thomas Toulorge