21/7/2014    11:00 - 13:00
Advances in Accurate and Robust Numerical Methods for Computational Fluid Dynamics I
Minisymposium organized by Remi Abgrall, Feng Xiao and Koen Hillewaert
Room: Sala A
Chair: Rémi Abgrall
CoChair: Jean-Marie LE GOUEZ
AUSM like expression of HLLC scheme and its extension to all speed scheme
Eiji Shima and Keiichi KItamura

Reduced dissipation SLAU and AUSM+-up towards high resolution unstructured Grid simulations
Keiichi Kitamura and Atsushi Hashimoto

An unsteady Shock-fitting technique for unstructured grids
Aldo Bonfiglioli, Renato Paciorri and L. Campoli

High order shock detecting methods and applications
Yiqing Shen, Bei Chen and Shengping Liu

Residual distribution schemes for the computation of hypersonic flows with strong bow shock waves: enforcing total enthalpy conservation
Jesus Garicano Mena, Andrea Lani, Herman Deconinck and Gérard Degrez

A higher order flux for magnetohydrodynamics
Nishant Narechania and Keiichi Kitamura