22/7/2014    16:30 - 18:30
Recent Developments in Optimal Design of Composite Materials and Structures I
Minisymposium organized by Erik Lund, José Pedro Blasques and Mathias Stolpe
Room: Llevant
Chair: Erik Lund
CoChair: Mathias Stolpe
Postbuckling optimisation of variable angle tow, variable thickness, composite plates using lamination parameters (Keynote Lecture)
Zhangming Wu, Gangadharan Raju and Paul M. Weaver

Optimal design of composite structures and materials for phononic applications
Gregory M. Hulbert and Sirui Huang

Comparison of discrete material optimization approaches for optimization of laminated composites
Erik Lund, René Soerensen and Bin Niu

Buckling optimization of composite structures using a discrete material parametrization considering worst shape imperfections
Søren Randrup Henrichsen, Esben Lindgaard and Erik Lund

Optimal design of laminated composite structures including local failure criteria and manufacturing constraints by advanced mixed integer nonlinear optimization techniques
Konstantinos Marmaras, Lars Pilgaard Mikkelsen and Mathias Stolpe

Large-scale free material optimization on 3D design domains by an interior point method
Mathias Stolpe and Alemseged G. Weldeyesus

Multidisciplinary free material optimization for plate and shell structures
Alemseged G. Weldeyesus and Mathias Stolpe