22/7/2014    16:30 - 18:30
Embedded Interface Methods I
Minisymposium organized by John Dolbow, Isaac Harari and Adrian J. Lew
Room: Sala E1
Chair: John Dolbow
Implicit representation of boundaries using level-sets for transient machining application
Hossein Asadi Kalameh, Olivier Pierard and Eric Béchet

Residual schemes for penalized Navier-Stokes equations on adapted grids
Léo Nouveau, Rémi Abgrall, Hubert Alcin, Héloïse Beaugendre and Cécile Dobrzynski

Universal meshes for problems with moving boundaries
Evan S. Gawlik and Adrian J. Lew

Universal Meshes: High-order simulation of problems with evolving geometries
Adrian J. Lew

A Nitsche stabilized finite element approach for modeling frictional contact constraints
Chandrasekhar Annavarapu, Martin Hautefeuille, John E. Dolbow and Randolph Settgast

Application of the LS-STAG immersed boundary method for numerical simulation in coupled aeroelastic problems
Valeria V. Puzikova and Ilia K. Marchevsky