23/7/2014    14:00 - 16:00
Reduced Basis, POD and PGD Model Reduction Techniques I
Minisymposium organized by Francisco Chinesta, Elias Cueto, Pierre Ladevèze and Hermann Matthies
Room: Sala H 2
Chair: Pierre Ladevèze
CoChair: Francisco Chinesta
A space-time PGD approach for 3D nonlinear parametrized problems (Keynote Lecture)
Pierre-Alain Boucard and David Néron

A fully-separated PGD algorithm for nonlinear problems
Jose V. Aguado, Antonio Huerta, Francisco Chinesta, Adrien Leygue and Elías Cueto

PGD-Virtual Charts for structural design
Amaury Courard, David Néron, Pierre Ladevèze, Ludovic Chamoin, Alain Bergerot and Ludovic Ballere

A simple adaptive procedure for separated representations in engineering applications
Chady Ghnatios, Adrien Leygue, Marianne Beringhier, Juan J. Ródenas, Javier Fuenmayor and Francisco Chinesta

An approximation framework dedicated to PGD-based nonlinear solver
Matteo Capaldo, David Néron, Pierre-Alain Guidault and Pierre Ladevèze

Goal-oriented low-rank tensor approximation for high dimensional stochastic problems
Olivier Zahm, Marie Billaud-Friess and Anthony Nouy