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Unfortunately, the pandemic situation is still too bad and the perspectives for June 2021 are not as positive as we would have hoped.

For this reason, we are forced to move COUPLED 2021 to a fully online but completely synchronous conference.

The plenaries as well as the parallel sessions will be all in streaming.

Pre-recorded videos will be allowed by request, for speakers unable to join live the event, for instance, due to time zone restrictions.

The scheduling of sessions will be arranged in order to maximize the audience from the different countries.

As the event will be online, we will significantly reduce the registration fees, yet keeping in mind that we aim to deliver a high-quality experience to all virtual attendees.

The deadline for abstract submission is extended to March 22, 2021 to take into account the restrictions yielded by the virus in several countries during the last months.

The acceptance of the abstracts will be notified to authors by March 30, 2021.

We hope that this changes will be acceptable to all the participants in the conference and look forward to meeting you in Coupled 2021 next June.

The COUPLED 2021 Co-Chairs and Honorary Chairs

A special issue of Mathematical and Computational Applications journal will be finalized at the end of the conference. Contributions will be by invitation

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Barcelona, Spain
coupledproblems_sec@cimne.upc.edu / Telf. + 34 - 93 405 46 94 - Fax. + 34 - 93 205 83 47
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