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Plenary Lectures

Plenary lectures will be delivered by scientists of international prestige in the field of the conference.

Confirmed Plenary Lecturers:

Model Selection and Coupling in the Context of Biomedical Device Design
Marek Behr
RWTH Aachen University, Germany
Multiscale multiphysiology predictive models of brain
Daniela Calvetti
Case Western Reserve University, USA
Physics-based and data-driven hybrid modeling: when data enrich models and models render data smarter
Francisco Chinesta
ESI GROUP Chair, ENSAM ParisTech, France
Developments in additive manufacturing processes: industrial technologies and numerical analyses
Michele Chiumenti
Microstructured porous material models for damage induced by fluids in compressed rocks
Anna Pandolfi
Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Partitioned Analysis: Advances during 2001-Present and Future Challenges
KC Park
University of Colorado Boulder, USA
Advanced isogeometric simulations of coupled problems
Alessandro Reali
University of Pavia, Italy
The thick strip method for slender body fluid structure interaction
Spencer Sherwin
Imperial Collage London, UK

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Barcelona, Spain
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