CT20 - Virtual Testing II | We11 Room: Chair: Bas Tijs |
Modelling the Finite Strain Behaviour of Unidirectional Composites: an Invariant-Based Model with Viscous Effects Igor A. Rodrigues Lopes, Pedro P. Camanho and Francisco Andrade Pires Abstract |
Extended Failure Models for Global and Local Analyses of Composite Aerostructures Giuseppe Corrado, Albertino Arteiro, Jose Reinoso, Florian Glock and Fernass Daoud Abstract |
Mesoscale Modelling of Woven Composite Materials with Manufacturing Defect Using Micro-Tomography Images G Fourrier, C Fagiano, M Hirsekorn, F-H Leroy, A Rassineux and E Baranger Abstract |
Simulation of The Wrinkling of Thin Hyperelastic Composite Strips under Global Tensile Loading M.M. Schasching, R. Duy, T. Ceglar, M. Todt and H.E. Pettermann Abstract |
Numerical Study of yhe Creep Buckling Response of Laminated Orthotropic Linear Viscoelastic Cylindrical Shells M. Todt, R. Tomas, T. Koch and H.E. Pettermann Abstract |