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Scientific Committee

  • O. Allix, France
  • A. Arteiro, Portugal
  • L. Asp, Sweden
  • C. Bisagni, Netherlands
  • P. Camanho, Portugal
  • P. Carraro, Italy
  • A. Corigliano, Italy
  • C. Davila, USA
  • B. Fiedler, Germany
  • K. Gamstedt, Sweden
  • C. Gonzalez, Spain
  • L. Gorbatikh , Belgium
  • S. Hallett, United Kingdom
  • E. Iarve, USA
  • H. Körber, Germany
  • F. Laurin, France
  • E. Lindgaard, Denmark
  • C. Lopes, Spain
  • E. Lund, Denmark
  • P. Maimí, Spain
  • F. Martinez-Hergueta, United Kingdom
  • X. Martinez, Spain
  • M. May, Germany
  • V. Michaud, Switzerland
  • P. Middendorf, Germany
  • A. Milazzo, Italy
  • R. Olsson, Sweden
  • H. Pettermann, Austria
  • S. Pimenta, UK
  • S. Pinho, United Kingdom
  • A. Pupurs, Latvia
  • F. Rastellini, Spain
  • J. Reinoso, Spain
  • J. Remmers, The Netherlands
  • R. Rolfes, Germany
  • C. Schuecker, Austria
  • B. Sørensen, Denmark
  • R. Talreja, USA
  • A. Turon, Spain
  • F. van der Meer, Netherlands
  • R. Vaziri, Canada
  • M. Wisnom, United Kingdom
  • Q. Yang, USA
  • M. Åkermo, Sweden

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