CT20 - Virtual Testing I | We07 Room: Chair: Melanie Todt |
Numerical Determination of the Effects of Out-of-Plane Waviness in Thermoplastic Matrix Laminates C. Fougerouse, C. Fagiano, M. Hirsekorn, F. Laurin, M. Desailloud and M. Herman Abstract |
Multi-Scale Virtual Testing of an Automatic Fibre Placed Orthogrid Fuselage Panel J. Vroon, N. van Hoorn and W. van den Brink Abstract |
Probabilistic Failure Prediction under Combined in-plane Compression-Shear Loading for Unidirectional Fiber Reinforced Composites Nabeel Safdar, Benedikt Daum, Sven Scheffler and Raimund Rolfes Abstract |
Automated Model Generation of Large Wind Turbine Blades: Advantage of Solid over Shell Elements R. Tavares and W. Paepegem Abstract |
Process Induced Deformations and Residual Stresses in Curved Composite Parts: A Parametric Analysis Enrico Zappino, Marco Petrolo, Navid Zobeiry and Erasmo Carrera Abstract |