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Social Events

The social events of SMART 2019 coincide with the Welcome Reception, the Conference Dinner, the Good bye Aperitif and a Visit of the Musée des Arts & Métiers ( limited to 80 participants)

Welcome Reception

The Welcome Reception will take place in on Tuesday, July 9 2019, at 19.00, at the conference venue, in the Hall 3.

The Conference banquet will be held on Wednesday, July 10 on the boat ‘Louisianne Belle’, on the river ‘La Seine’ during 2.5 hours. Sailing along the water, the charm of Paris is displayed in front of you: from the beautiful bridges to the unforgettable sights.

The departure will be from Peniche Louisiane Belle, Port de la Rapée, 75012 Paris at 19:00. Please check the location map here.

The Good bye Aperitif will be held on Thursday 11, at the conference venue after the closing ceremony.

Accompanying persons interested can join these events by paying a fee of 200€ for all the social events. Students can buy the tickets for the banquet by at a special price of 100€. Please contact the secretariat to purchase your ticket before Wednesday July 5.

A VISIT of the Musée des Arts & Métiers (free of charge but limited to 80 participants on a first come first serve base) is scheduled on Thursday 11. In order to book your place please contact the secretariat

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering Barcelona, Spain
SMART_sec@cimne.upc.edu / Telf. + 34 - 93 405 46 96 - Fax. + 34 - 93 205 83 47
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