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Registration Fees

Authors are invited to create their online accounts and register for the abstracts and full papers submissions and registrations fees payments.

Depending on the author category and payment timing, the following fees (in Euro only) apply:

(If paid until April 29, 2019)

(If paid after April 29, 2019)

Regular Registration

550 €

650 €

PhD Students Registration

400 €

450 €

Accompanying persons

150 €

200 €

Extra banquet ticket

100 €

100 €

Only online payments will be accepted.

Full/reduced and PhD student's early/late registrations include: Attending all sessions, welcome reception, coffee breaks, lunches, program, book of abstracts and e-proceedings. The cost of the banquet dinner ticket for PhD Students in either full/reduced ‘registration fees’ periods will be 100€.

PhD students should scan and sent by email to the secretariat their PhD students IDs to benefit from their category fees.

ECCOMAS members benefit from 5% reduction on regular (reduced/full) registration fees; proof of their membership should be sent by email to the conference secretariat.

Accompanying persons' fees include the welcome reception, banquet dinner and other programmed social events.


  • Registration fees should be paid only by bank credit card.

  • No registrations on site are permitted.

  • Received registrations fees cannot be refunded, but replacement of speaker(s) is allowed.

  • One registration allows only one submission (abstract, paper) and one presentation (Oral or Poster).

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering Barcelona, Spain
SMART_sec@cimne.upc.edu / Telf. + 34 - 93 405 46 96 - Fax. + 34 - 93 205 83 47
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