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Number of visits: 162897

14:00 - 16:00

Parallel sessions
MS12: Integrated Prognostic and Health Monitoring of Complex Aeronautical Structures

Mini-Symposium organized by Nazih Mechbal and Marc Rebillat


Room: C4

Chair: Marc Rebillat

Co-Chair: Dimitrios Zarouchas

Data-Driven Autoregressive Model Identification for Structural Health Monitoring in Anisotropic Composite Plates

S. da Silva, J. Paixão, M. Rébillat and N. Mechbal


Data-driven prognostic methodologies towards a condition-based structural health management of composite structures

T.H.  Loutas and D.  Zarouchas

Damage quantification method in composite materials based on triangulation

W. Briand, M. Rebillat, M. Guskov and N. Mechbal


Investigation of nonlinear Lamb wave/damage interaction: numerical and experimental approaches

X. Li, E. Monteiro, M. Rebillat, M. Guskov and N. Mechbal


Strain-Based Damage Assessment on Single-Stiffener Composite Panels

D. Milanoski and T. Loutas


Composite Plate Automatic Damage Isolation Based on Support Vector Machine Classification of Lamb Wave Signals

R. Santos, P. Souza, N. Inocente-Junior and E. Nóbrega


Structural state awareness of composite structures by blending passive and active acoustic-based health monitoring methods

D. Zarouchas and M. Saeedifar


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