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Number of visits: 211929

30/9/15    14:00 - 16:00
Multiphase Flows III
Room: VS214
Chair: Mojtaba Ghadiri

CFD-DEM prediction of heat transfer in Packed Beds using commercial and open source codes
A. Singhal*, S. Cloete, F. Municchi, S. Radl and S. Amini

Particle tracking numerical methods for nanoparticle transport in heterogeneous porous media
D.V. Papavassiliou* and N. Pham

Effect of drag models and particle-particle interaction parameters on cake formation using Discrete Element Method-Computational Fluid Dynamics (DEM-CFD) simulations
S. Antonyuk*, R. Deshpande and I. Oleg

A pore-scale approach of two-phase flow in granular porous media
C. Yuan*, B. Chareyre and F. Darve

Analysis of fluid-particle-wall interactions in a spiral jet mill
S. Dogbe*, M. Ghadiri, A. Hassanpour, C.L. Hare, I. Crosley and R. Storey

A cognition on oscillatory mechanism of thermocapillary convection
R. Liang* and Y. Zhang

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
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