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Number of visits: 211917

30/9/15    16:30 - 18:30
IS-Segregation in Granular Systems II
Invited Session organized by Anthony Thornton and Thomas Weinhart
Room: VS208
Chair: Thomas Weinhart

Segregation in vibrated granular monolayers
N. Rivas*, P. Cordero, D. Risso and R. Soto

DEM simulations of particle shape induced radial segregations in horizontal, rotating cylinders
G. Lu*, J.R. Third and C.R. Müller

Size and density segregation in bidisperse mixtures
D.R. Tunuguntla*, T. Weinhart and A.R. Thornton

The effects of segregation on flow dynamics
J. McElwaine*

Predicting granular segregation: a continuum model using parameters from GPU-based DEM simulations
A.B. Isner, P.B. Umbanhowar, J.M. Ottino and R.M. Lueptow*

Asymmetric particle behavior during size segregation
K. van der Vaart*, P. Gajjar, J.M.N.T. Gray and C. Ancey

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
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