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Number of visits: 211928

29/9/15    11:00 - 13:00
IS-Multiscale Analysis of Multiphase Particulate Systems (T-MAPPP Symposium) I
Invited Session organized by Jin Ooi, Antonia Larese and Martin Crapper
Room: VS218
Chair: Antonia Larese

Discrete element modelling of liquid transfer between particles
N. Patsaki*, C. Radeke, H. Kureck and J.G. Khinast

DEM investigation of flow in silos: the effect of particle shape and rolling resistance
B. Soltanbeigi*, S-A. Papanicolopulos and J.Y. Ooi

A coupled lattice-Boltzmann discrete element modelling of shear flow in saturated dense granular material
T. Najuch*, J. Sun and J.Y. Ooi

Adhesion force measurement in micron-sized particles from centrifugal force based studies using particle size analysis techniques
R. Mohanty*, R. Cabiscol, T.M. Zorec, L. Torbahn, S.C. Thakur, H. Setzener, A. Kwade and J.Y. Ooi

A mesoscale investigation of the coalescence phenomena for wet agglomeration
G. Raso*, N. Kumar, V. Magnanimo, S. Luding, E.H. Stitt, M. Marigo and J.Y. Ooi

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